When heading out for long drives, or car trips, it is best to make sure that one’s car is in a prim and proper condition right before one gets started. It keeps the drive comfortable reduces the odds of any potential emergencies. It keeps the drive safer as well.

The importance of keeping the car well-maintained extends well beyond a vacation. The items to check before heading out for a vacation are essentially the same as those that must be checked to keep a car’s performance at optimum levels.
Here’s a checklist for your car which you can go through before you get started with the holidays:
Before setting out for a long drive, it is quintessential to make sure that you carry the relevant paperwork with you. If you do not have the paperwork with you, it is recommendable not to use the car at all for the time being. A few of the top documents you may choose to carry with you include the driver’s license, proof of insurance and information related to warranty.
Fluids keep the engine running and the brakes operating smoothly. It is best to have the car fluids topped up or replaced before getting started for the journey. A car mechanic’s advice can be very useful in this regard.
With oil lubrication, friction in an engine reduces and the engine delivers a prime performance. Similarly, the coolant or the antifreeze safeguards the engine against overheating or freezing. The corrosion of the engine slows down significantly. It is then important to make sure that windshield wiper fluid, brake fluid, transmission fluid, and power steering fluid are at optimum levels before your trip. It is best to visit a car mechanic before the trip.
Before your trip, it is recommendable to ensure that the tread of the tires is not worn out. The air pressure must not be too low or too high. The luggage shouldn’t be heavier than your car’s load range. Wheel alignment must be proper and the spare tire in your car must be easily accessible.
Well operating brakes keep the journey safer. The prime indicator of the brakes not performing as well as they should is the sound that they emit.
Before getting started for the road trip, one must check brake pads, brake rotors, brake fluids, lines, hoses, callipers, and the master cylinder. If the brakes do not make a sound upon application, it is still a fine idea to have them checked.
One must ideally check the headlights before getting started with the trip. The right way to go about it is by seeing how well they operate by going to the front of the car. It is best to check blinkers, brake lights, fog lights, and tail lights. Clean lights deliver better performance.
Ensuring that the car battery performs at optimum levels is important as well. You may choose to have it replaced before the trip. Similarly, it is best to clean up the battery terminals before heading out for the trip.
Other important items for your car’s checklist include A/C and heating, belts, air filter, leaks, and wipers. If you choose to replace any of the spares, you can come across fine deals for getting car parts for less.